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Old 10-19-2005, 01:17 PM
etgryphon etgryphon is offline
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Default Re: For My Buddy Grey One More Time - Civil Unions and Gay Marriage

"Well, wether we like to believe it or not, people do oppose homosexuality on moral grounds and do not want to recognize it as a valid lifestyle and they should be allowed to if they get control of the legislature just as the gay communittee has the rights to try to change the law through the legislature."

Except there is a baseline for what types of laws can be passed built into the constitution. Secondly- what if x number of states supported gay marriage, and y number were against it. States in group Y claim that no other state can allow marriage because of the equal protection act because it would then force them to accept it- so state Y is effectively pushing its values on state x. when does the blance of x verses y change enough for one side to have to admit defeat?

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The interesting thing here is that if a STATE legislature passed legislation that legalized gay marriage, I would have to consider that a valid democratic move and to be recognized by other states. I just have a problem with the judiciary manipulating the law to redefine marriage. I just don't think that there is enough popular support in any state to do this yet. California has come close, but it got [puns]Terminated...but, It'll be back...[/puns]

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