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Old 10-19-2005, 12:30 PM
coffeecrazy1 coffeecrazy1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 59
Default Re: For My Buddy Grey One More Time - Civil Unions and Gay Marriage

it has to do with the Constitution. Marriage is a defined and broad term in all states. The Constitution provides provisions that all states must honor legal documents from others states such as death certs, marriage license and civil unions.

The problem stems from the fact that Vermont starts issue marriage certs to same sex couples and then they move to texas, now all Texas laws that govern marriage must be applied to this couple whether the general populace wants to provide these marriage services to a same sex couple becuase of the Equal Protection Clause and the Due Process Clause of the Constitution. If however we create these things called Civil Unions for same-sex couples, each state can define what benefits that Civil Unions can be afforded. States like California and Vermont then can define a civil union to be the same as a marriage and treat their laws accordingly where another state like Texas can limit the benefits as they see fit for Civil Unions.

The problem with defining it a Marriage as as opposed to Civil Union is that one state and a minority of country can change all the laws of the land whether the people want it or not. It circumvents the whole democratic process.


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I wonder if the religious right ever utters the phrase "and then, we get screwed by the Constitution." Damn that Equal Protection's almost like we're all equal in terms of rights for each

In all seriousness, the sad part about this whole gay marriage thing is that, in the minds of its opponents, to allow legal gay marriage would set things in motion to, one day, have a Baptist preacher marrying two men in the church, directly beneath the cross. Otherwise, I really don't know if you'd get such a violent reaction from these folks.
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