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Old 10-19-2005, 10:39 AM
Zetack Zetack is offline
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Default Most direct collusion evidence I\'ve seen...

Ok, its actually pretty indirect, so sue me.

I'm at a home tourney last night, sitting next to one of the regulars at a couple of games I play in. He comments he hasn't played since the tourney I won three weeks ago because he wasn't happy that I knocked him out when we were down to seven players when my A-Js knocked out his A-K that flopped two pair when I rivered a straight.

I thought that was odd as he didn't seem particularly upset at the time, but I bit and asked him what he'd been up to. Turns out he'd gone up to Chapel Hill (college town) and "everyone" up there is playing online together.

I didn't want to interrogate him, so I didn't get full details, but what he said was the guys he knows up there, get together three at a time, often all three in a room, but sometimes by cell phone, and go into a six max room and by betting and raising squeeze the other players out of hands.

Then they go into a room just the three of them and divide up the spoils. This is the part that seems to me should twig some flags in anti-collusion software, but I guess not so far.

Anyway, he said they play at Bo-Dog, mostly 3-6 and 5-10. I don't know for sure they confine themselves to 6 max or those limits or those sites, cause again I didn't interrogate him about it. But he made it sound like there are a number of guys doing it and they do it quite frequently.

Anyway, I thought it was interesting, since I've never actually spotted anybody colluding while I played, this is the most direct evidence of it that I've come across.

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