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Old 10-19-2005, 02:31 AM
GuyOnTilt GuyOnTilt is offline
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Default Truly Blessed : Rambling

Talking with a friend over a v v good ribeye dinner tonight. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?

Actually thinking about this made me realize how good of a life I have been blessed to have so far. I really can't think of anything truly bad ever happening to me. I am blessed. And I am grateful. I have kind of realized this I think for a while now, and have tried to bless friends and strangers a like whenever I have the chance, even if it may be in the smallest of ways. But I had never actually thought about this specifically. And now that I have, I am that much more grateful. Every now and then I will have this discussion within myself, and it makes me strive to be that much more selfless and try to put others' needs and luxuries before myself. Every time I watch or read Motorcycle Diaries I have a session of massive self-reflection and get back to grips with reality. Things like donating to charities, supporting poverty stricken families, picking up the check at dinners with friends, taking a panhandler out for lunch and giving them the opportunity to have a real conversation with someone, blessing friends of my parents who I know to be stuggling financial with anonymous grocery store gift cards or whatever, etc.

Just doing things like that that are so easy to not do, but I feel like I should be doing when I really get honest with myself and am able to put my selfishness aside. Like not only "it's a nice thing to do", but something I really SHOULD be doing. I have been blessed in just about every aspect of my life, and it's my goal in life to remain humble and selfless when it comes to things like this. And it's not that I "owe" anybody or everybody in general anything. It's just something I feel I should do.

Anyway, drunken rambling. What's the worst thing that's happened to you?


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