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Old 10-19-2005, 12:36 AM
Scott_Baio Scott_Baio is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 18
Default Re: I think I push small edges too much in SSNL

I might be incorrectly reading something into the way you framed this,

but I think some of your running bad may be from judging equity based on actual outcomes. If you shove with mid pair + FD and your opponent calls with TPGK, you can say to yourself, "meh I was favored and variance.. etc" but the push could well have been -EV (or at the very least, not the most +EV play you could make against that opponent) depending on the range of hands he is likely to have + the range of hands he calls/folds with.

Again... I'm not saying this is necessarily the case for you, but it is something that is often overlooked.
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