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Old 10-18-2005, 11:23 PM
Skipbidder Skipbidder is offline
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Default How to take a break from SNGs? (Low 1-table content)

I'm soliciting advice from folks about how they take breaks from SNGs.

In the past, I've tried low level limit ring games (clearing bonuses), but this feels like work to me.

How many people just decide to stop playing for a short period of time to refresh themselves?

My current plan the last few days (where I've played very few SNGs) is to play a lot of MTTs or play in games that I don't normally play (Omaha 8, mostly). I'm playing some games that are much lower than I normally play as well.

Do folks find that this sort of thing normally works for them (as far as a "vacation" goes), or do you find that you need to take a break entirely?

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