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Old 10-18-2005, 09:28 PM
bholdr bholdr is offline
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Default What is the best single peice of tourney advice you\'ve been given?

Just getting into tourneys, and since i don't really know what questions to be asking yet, maybe thiss'll help me (and others?) hmmm...

What was the best peice of tournament advice that you've ever been given?

for me, it was: "Be aggressive on the bubble if you have an avarage or big stack- it's a great time to steal blinds and target the final table instead of just making the money- people tend to play scared at that stage and the blinds get relitivly big."

before i read that, i had been far too catious around the bubble and had been barely getting to the money, with very few chips and a correspondingly small chance of scoring a big win.

so... best advice you've been given... whatcha got? comments on the one i posted?
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