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Old 10-18-2005, 04:56 PM
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Default Must you go broke to be great?

I have heard that many of the best poker players - with sklansky being the exception - are actually quite proud of going broke at some point in their careers. I used to think this was silly, but my experience this past year had led me to question that notion.
I've been playing poker seriously for about 18 months - several games and limtis - and have always been proud that I've never had to reload my bankroll. At the same time, I have been unable to steadily build my bankroll. I just seem to hover around my initial investment. Could be I'm beating the game, but not the rake, since I primarly play $4-8 limit and $30 ring games.
I tend to play farily tight - though I will push in certain situations. What I am wondering is if my desire not to reload my bankroll has kept me from getting involved with more difficult hands that may cost me a little more in the short term, but will make my play stronger and enable me to outplay others in more difficult hands down the road. In otherwords, should I be more experiemental with my play in hopes it will pay off down the road or should I continue to play conservative until I eventually break through. Thoughts?
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