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Old 10-18-2005, 02:17 PM
jcm4ccc jcm4ccc is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 116
Default Research Study -- Participants Wanted

The latest theoretical discussions made me think about this. This forum should be a good source for collecting data about how much a chip is really worth in an MTT. So I'm asking people to participate in a research study.

I will focus solely on the Party Poker $40K guaranteed, in order to reduce variance associated with different sites and different tournaments. The study will run until December 31, 2005. Participants will enter the following information in an Excel worksheet that I created:
<ul type="square">[*]Date of Tournament[*]# of Entrants in Tournament[*]In what place did you finish?[*]Gross Dollars Awarded[*]# of Chips after 15 minutes (end of 1st level)[*]# of Players after 15 minutes (end of 1st level)[*]# of Chips at 1st break[*]# of Players at 1st break[*]# of chips at 2nd break[*]# of Players at 2nd break[*]etc etc etc[/list]
I tried to make it as simple as possible, so that people would find it easy to participate. With this kind of data, we could figure out a person's M or Q at certain points in the tournament, and see how that relates to a person's place in the tournament. For example, what does it mean when you have twice as many chips as the average player at the first break? Are your expected earnings doubled, or something less than that? Does increasing your chip stack increase your chances of winning in a linear way, or in some other way? etc etc etc. Of course the study will be biased, since the participants will probably be better than the average player. But I still think the data will be meaningful, though it may not generalize to the average player or to different tournaments.

If you participate in the study, I will send you a copy of the raw datafile before I do any work on it myself. That way, you can run your own analyses if you like, and share them with the forum.

If you are willing to participate, please do the following:

1. Post a reply to this message (this will encourage other people to participate).

2. Send an email to with the following subject line: 2+2

I will send you a zipped file of the Excel worksheet to fill in your data from now until December 31, 2005 (the end of the study). Hopefully enough people will participate that we will get some meaningful data. I would say we need a minimum of 50 people to make it worth the effort.
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