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Old 10-17-2005, 11:39 PM
Fillamoore Fillamoore is offline
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Default Re: Question about the fundamental theorem of poker

Thats my problem x. The thing is, although its the same mathematically, its a different situation. If i check, he is correct in betting while i am incorrect in calling, and this would reflect if we played this out many times. However, if i bet out and he just calls, he makes a mistake according to the fundamental theorem of poker and therefore i gain what he misses, that is 1 BB.

This is why i posted this. I can see that it is obviously the same mathematically, but the reason for the inquiry is because it doesnt make sense to me thta betting out even though we know he will call is correct when check calling is incorrect.

However, after pondering this i believe i came up with the answer to my question. Post your thoughts please.

I think the reason it is "correct" to bet is because, in theory of course, we all face the EXACT SAME situations WITH THE EXACT SAME CARDS if we were to play out infinitely long. So while its true that he misses a bet and makes a mistake, i gain because when IM faced with a bet and hold the same KQ against JT, and I raise, i dont lose anything and therefore and 1 BB ahead of my opponent. If i were to just call as well both of our mistakes cancel eachother out in a sense.

* this post was actually supposed to follow X's but whenever i clicked his link for some reason i was logged out...not sure why. Anyways, you get the idea
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