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Old 10-17-2005, 06:38 PM
BOTW BOTW is offline
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Default Re: A way to end the Barron hubbub - A request to El Diablo

The comic is supposed to parallel both the hand in question and the article discussion.

Look for the "low-level" thinking of the random player in panel two. I always assumed your motivation for writing is above this level, so it was to serve as a subtle jab. I find subtle jabs humorous--I hope it did not offend too much.

Look at the non sequitur of panel three (this is where most of the humor should have resided). The jab here is not subtle at all. There is a duality in the response: your character does listen to the random player in panel two and write the article; but, according to many posters, does not listen in the discussion thread. (I also feel as though you have not listened to me in this thread.)

On a different level: Think about what I think about what you think about me and what my motivation behind the comic is. I only care about getting to the results in the last panel (should be an obvious parallel).

If you consider the comic with these thoughts in mind, perhaps you will see the humor. Perhaps I was thinking "too high" or "too low" and the parallels and humor I was trying to express are lost on all save myself. Of course, as I am here trying to explain the humor, it is also quite possible that this is the worst comic in history.
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