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Old 10-17-2005, 12:54 PM
Onaflag Onaflag is offline
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Default Re: Playing QJs against VERY loose players

Dude, seriously, your question cannot be answered with the information you provided. The most important consideration at this point is your stack compared to the blinds.

It looks like it was folded around to you. You mention 6 handed, but is it down to 6 players from a bigger number or did it start with 6 and no one has busted out yet?

Without any other information I think you're looking at a fold preflop. Being suited is helpful, of course, but you don't have much in terms of high card strength and if you paired on the flop, there is a good chance you're out kicked.

If it is in the very late stages and the blinds are large compared to your stack, then I think it is a clear push. Pick up the rather large blinds and move on. If you get called, you have 2 live cards.

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