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Old 10-17-2005, 12:27 PM
X-Calibre X-Calibre is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 74
Default Eurobet cashout without net teller

I'm a Maryland resident and can not use net teller, I'd like to get my money off of Eurobet now that they have been deskinned.

At one time there was a thread on 2+2 about someone in the same situation and how he was able to get his withdrawl to work. Unfortunately, I have lost the link to that thread, and any attempt to search for it has so far come up empty.

Could someone please link me to that thread or perhaps if the OP is out there could he give me the basic instructions on how to do it?

And if anyone else knows how to do this please let me know, I'm very nervous now about getting my money off the site.
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