Thread: I want my $
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Old 10-17-2005, 02:36 AM
Crimson Crimson is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 27
Default I want my $

Chick owes me 90$, wont pay up.

We're on a team, and we go to Vegas for a competition (I live in Cali). We're all friends, hangout outside of practice etc... and she looses a piece of equipment before the competition, so I loan her the 90$ needed to purchase a new one. I tell her she can either pay me back, or give me the object in question after the competition because mine was getting old and i needed a new one.

We get back, team disbands, we're all still friends but now she wont answer my calls, show up to parties that i'm at, totally avoiding me.

That was 2 months ago. 3 weeks ago I called her and (BS'ed) told her I was gonna take her to small claimes court if she didnt pay up. I dont really care about the 90$, her response is what bothers me, ya know, the whole pricinple of the thang. After I do that, she gives one of my friends a 30 check, and says she'll give me one next friday (which didn't come).

Its not that she doesnt have the cash, because she goes out to bars with other friends of mine and see's movies etc.

How do I get my freakin cash.
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