Thread: Bad Move?
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Old 10-17-2005, 01:17 AM
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Default Bad Move?

I UTG in a home tourney. We start out with 2 tables of 6 getting 5k in chips. The blinds at this moment were 60/120 and I get j's and I just call the BB. The player to my left raises to 300 and he is the type that doesn't raise with qq-aa from early in hopes he can get in a re-raise PF. When it gets back to me only the clueless BB has called the raise and i move all-in for my 5500 and I just knew that my opps were going to fold and the original raiser did fold but the BB woke up with aces. I didn't want to take the flop at the time with jacks and was content to take the 800 or so that was already in the pot. Was this a bad move on my part or just unlucky that someone had a better hand. Again, I really felt sure that they were both going to fold. BTW the blinds start at 20/40 and go up every 20 minutes.
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