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Old 10-17-2005, 01:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Poker School Online?

Thanks for the replys. I noticed, however, that I did not really tell you in my question why I was drawn to the poker school online. Once I do please tell me what you think.

I'm not concerned with information. I obviously have this board, both HOH books and ample time to play and learn. The problem is I don't have ample money which puts me playing in the 1 to 2 dollar MTT. As I am sure you know, people play like idiots in these and its not really a place where I can put things in practice. From what I understand the people at poker school online try and play for real, even though its not real money.

Sorry for not being clear as to my goals in the original post. Is my thinking here sound or would it be better to just plow my way through a bunch of bad play in low buy-in MMT's.
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