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Old 10-16-2005, 10:12 PM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 208
Default Did anyone hear Screwy Louie Farakhan\'s Claim about......

.....being picked up by the Mothership (UFO) and that the voice of his dead mentor/teacher Elijah Mohammed spoke to him from beyond the grave.

They played this clip over the radio and it was bizarre. I knew this guy was a rascist, anti-semite, and a proponent of violence but until I heard this audio clip I thought he was somewhat sane (in a Hitler way). After I heard his UFO mothership claim, I realize this guy is clinically insane. What does this say about the Nation of Islam organization?

I'm surprised that not every news organization in the USA wasn't playing this audio clip. If Rush Limbaugh said something like this, the US media would have played this clip 24/7.
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