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Old 10-16-2005, 10:06 PM
JihadOnTheRiver JihadOnTheRiver is offline
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Default Would you have sex with this woman? (Day report)

So I'm at an airshow in San Diego today sitting on a lawnchair with a nice cold one, and I am happy. There is a mix of girls around. Some old, some young, some fat, some slim, some hot. But nobody is really standing out in my mind. Then I'm approached by a very frightening sight. A female body builder.

She talks to me for 10 minutes asking me questions about my jet. I am struggling to make eye contact and am saturated with a desire to runaway laughing and crying. She has a very masculine facial structure, a thin mustache, great traps, and huge fake breasts. She is wearing a midriff-type halter top and short shorts, so its all out there.

My friend comes up right as she's about to leave and she does not want to pay attention to him (I'm probably one of the few guys at this airshow with more a similar build to her and I think she was attracted to that). She says her goodbyes and gives me a surprisingly feminine handshake and bats her eyelashes with a smile as she leaves. I'm pretty sure her gums were ripped.

She leaves and my friend laughs his ass off while hes telling me that she was flirting with me, and obviously wanted something. I'm pretty retarded with first impressions so I had no idea, but it appears he was right. He asks me, "so would you hit that?"

Then when I got home, I saw "Supersize She, with the girl at the bottom of this post. I thought about this for a bit and decided that my answer was, unequivicably, "no fvcking way". Not drunk, not just a bj, not ever. So....

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