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Old 10-16-2005, 08:28 PM
nomadtla nomadtla is offline
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Default A reinvention of the microposter: Session Studies

I got this idea from the 1 Table Tourney Forum

10+1 SNG study group

So I was wondering if anyone would be interested in something similar for micro limit sessions.

The General idea: Everyone in the group Emails a session in hand history format(100-200 hands depending on group consensous) to the leader (if anyone would like to take this let me know, if not and there is enough intrest then I will lead it myself [serious]I've slacked and become more of a lurker then a help around here[/serious]). The leader then randomly disperses the sesions to all those involved, obviously not giving the person back his own session. The receiver then reviews the sesion and adds notes, or questions they have, or even interesting reads they got on specific villans from the session. They then return the notated session to the owner (I think we're all "freinds" enough here to give honest judgement without being biased to the person). If the sesion seems particularly interesting then the notated version can also be sent to the leader, and once a month or so the most interesting session can be posted by a mod for forum disscusion.

This might also give insight into the way we interact with other posters and, help us learn more about our micro "family members" and why they play like they do etc..

Obviously I want people to give their best and fullest analysis of the sesions they're sent. We should respect eachother enough to put forth our best effort to helping everyone here acheive whatever goals they have for poker.
If you are interested and would be willing to put forth good analysis and take solid criticism (of course further discussions could be sent back and forth between receiver and sender as to why sender made a certain move) then reply in this thread. If this is all a rediculous waste of the time it took me to type it then let me know that too.

Just a thought.