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Old 10-16-2005, 01:07 PM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Default American Blacks Are in DEEP Trouble

Or at least the ones that follow "Screwy Louie" Farakhan and the rest of his nitwit cult.

The theme of the speakers was our life sucks and we need to organize to pressure the government to make our lives better. Actually American blacks are quite organized. 90% of them vote for the Democrat party. The Dems take them for granted and the Repubs consider them a lost cause (with regard to winning their votes). A good number of the speakers wanted reparations since their ancestors were slaves. I guess all the free handouts from LBJ's War on Poverty is not enough. They are still begging. One of them crack me up when he said that we need to stop getting jobs and get 'careers'. To me that is codespeak to not look for entry level jobs and wait for some pie-in-the-sky dream job. While they are daydreaming about being hired out of high schools to be the CEO of General Motors Inc, some Mexican who can't speak English snatches a blue collar job under their noses.....

Another line that cracked me up was when a speaker said they need more black schools. The Wilmer Hutchins School District in South Dallas is a black run school. It is now bankrupt because the All-Black leadership stole money from the district, gave contracts to cronies and destroyed incriminating purchase orders, and after the school went bankrupt......teachers came to the school to steal TVs and other equipment infront of TV news cameras. One fat black woman walking out with a TV threatened to sue the TV reporters if they showed her face on TV!!!??? Talk about Chuztbah!!! The dsitrict representatives said that if they returned the equipment, they would not press charges...

This romantic embrace of the hip-hop gansta culture has not done them any favors. We have white kids dressing black because their love hip-hop music but most act white with respect to pursuing entry level jobs, working hard, and seizing opportunities to improve their lives. The young blacks embrace this gansta culture BUT....they fail to embrace hard work. I drove to Dallas to see some kickboxing. During an intermission, I went to a concession stand that was staffed by ALL young blacks. I was flabbergasted on how TERRIBLE the service was. No one would approach me to ask for my order and I had to get their attention. Then the cashier was some brain-dead nitwit who had to ask two other people for help to ring up my order. My buddy who drove up with me had the same experience that night as well. I would not hire any of these people. They did not know the meaning of the word service nor taking pride in their work...

If the black leadership were to ask my for advice to improve their lot, I would give them two words of advice:

and if you can't do this then

Ditch your loser self-pittying-Screwy-Louie-Farakhan black friends and find some white people to hang out with. Because what your doing now is not working... Obviously my rant does not apply to all blacks but even most objective blacks would concede their culture has been failing them. Perhaps it is time to stop doing what has been failing and follow more successful role models....
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