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Old 10-16-2005, 10:55 AM
DavidC DavidC is offline
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Default Re: More age old wisdom...

To steal a page from Lorinda's book, or was that Aesop...

Once upon a time there lived an old woman who had a number of hens, ducks, and geese. She used to send her little daughter to the meadow every day to take care of the ducks and geese.

But she had one goose that she never allowed with the others. This one had a little house and yard of its own. It was such a wonderful goose that the old woman was afraid of losing it.

Each day this goose laid a large golden egg. The woman could hardly wait for the new day to come, she was so eager to get the golden egg.

At last she said to herself, "I will kill the goose and get the gold all at once."

But when she had killed the goose she found that it was just like all the other geese.

In her haste to become rich, she had become poor.

Moral: Greed destroys the source of good.

[/ QUOTE ]

This story is retarded. Just a few golden eggs are an enormous amount of wealth. For a peasant woman like this, living in an area with a lot of poverty/low living costs, she'd be set for life after a week.

In times of war or strife, any golden eggs she'd had left would increase greatly in value.

Come on man, think it through before you post stuff like this.
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