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Old 10-16-2005, 08:59 AM
juanez juanez is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: The Land of Oz
Posts: 41
Default Cards in the muck - dead hand?

I get called over to table 5. Two guys at the showdown, or what appeared to be a showdown at first. I see a board with four clubs and two red kings face up in front of a player.

Dealer explains that Player A bet on the river. Player B then says "You got it man". Player A then tosses his cards at the muck. Player B THEN throws in the bet and says "His hand is dead - it's in the muck". At this point mayhem ensues and I'm called over.

Dealer tells me that "These two cards are Player A's cards". They are "in the muck", but clearly retrievable. I pull them out - QJ clubs. Player B has the two kings, of course.

How do you rule this one?
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