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Old 10-16-2005, 01:06 AM
wiseheart wiseheart is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 58
Default Re: Call me a traitor, for I have switched sides

We have torutured, raped, and killed innocent
people and this has been documented. We provided
Hussein with the only 'mass' weapons he had which
were chemical weapons that he used against Iran.
We have a secret police at home that puts people
in jail and they disappear, no lawyers, no trial,
nothing. Funny, I thought that was what we were
blaming Saddam for. Bush says, Iraq is a now a
breeding ground for terrorists. Thats funny, it
wasn't four years ago. The terrorists who hit the
WTC and Pentagon came from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc.
none from Iraq.

And most importantly, this could have all been done
much faster and efficiently at the end of the first
gulf war, but Daddy Bush left the rebels to die under
Saddam... Im amazed how long you war supporters hold
on under your idealistic visions.
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