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Old 10-16-2005, 12:55 AM
cbfair cbfair is offline
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Default Re: Got stiffed on a tip tonight

Since you asked for input... I've worked in restaurants for years (not currently) in both tipped and untipped positions. Due to my empathy for those in the industry, my standard tip is 20%+ up to around 30% depending on various factors.

That said, sometimes service sucks. Sometimes its the server's fault and sometimes it's not; I can usually tell the difference. If a server fucks up and admits it, the tip is saved. If a server fucks up and tries to blame the kitchen or any one else when its clearly the server's fault, I will stiff.

My stiffs are unique, though, since I know that customers sometimes legitamately forget. I'm not at all above leaving a few dimes on the table and nothing else to ensure that the message is crystal clear. This is extraodinarily rare but I have done it a couple of times, I can't remember the last time.

I empathize with servers and know the demands of the job. It is a very difficult one and deserves compensation when I recieve fair to excellent service. Serving is also a meritocracy, crappy servers will not last long in most restaurants worth frequenting. Perhaps I'm doing everyone a service by hastening their exit before a line cook rips them a new one and they leave in tears in the middle of a weekend rush.

edited to add: DasLeben, I'm not suggesting you gave poor service or that they simply forgot. Regardless of the validity of the various points of view in this thread, some people are just shitty tippers.
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