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Old 10-15-2005, 09:09 PM
John Ho John Ho is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 282
Default Re: Call me a traitor, for I have switched sides

You are against the war for mostly the wrong reasons. Credibility is something that takes years to build and is quickly gone. Bush has destroyed our credibility with the world by his bungling of just about everything. When you tell people you are invading another country for a very specific reason you better be right.

It's amazing to me how much people freak out over terrorism. We are in more danger from crazy Americans going postal on a subway than we are from foreign terrorist. You're more likely to die from a drunk driver than by terrorists. You're more likely to die from heart disease due to a poor diet than by suicide bombers. All it took was a few crazy rednecks to carry out the Oklahoma City bombings. And they didn't need funding from a foreign multi-millionaire to do it. As an Asian-American I am in more danger of getting killed by a bunch of racist punks than I am from foreign terrorists.

If these conditions change I may be perfectly willing to live in a less open society to gain more security. But a few attacks by a group which is now on everyone's radar is not gonna worry me one bit as I live my life.
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