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Old 10-15-2005, 07:02 PM
TaxGoddess TaxGoddess is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
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Default Re: running a household

Okay, then. I am the lone girl who responded that I would rather work than stay at home. Hmm, maybe I will feel different once little Ettie arrives in February, but I don't think so. I enjoy my job (attorney), which is pretty strictly 7-4:30 w/ every other Friday off, so I can actually have a family life.

I have never been very domestic, you can ask my husband. Just the other night I nearly poisoned him again with my cooking (over spiced the pork w/ hot pepper seasoning). He is much better at cleaning & cooking than I am.

I must note, though, that lately I have been more domestic, getting dishes done, laundry, etc. Could be those girl hormones finally kicking in now that I am expecting, we will have to see if it sticks.
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