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Old 10-14-2005, 09:49 PM
etizzle etizzle is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 63
Default Re: How did you get to where you currently are?

I started playing online in like may of 04, on a friends account.

played 1/2 6 max (limit) for a while, then played 2/4 full tables until i had about 1k (didnt know much about bankrolls back then). At one point that summer i got down to $25 and put it all on $25 NL. Luckily I got a few buyins and eventually got it back to 1k.

Started playin 2/4 and 100 NL and ended up with ~3k for the summer. Then in August I played mostly 5/10 6max limit and 100 dollar buy in for a loooong time.

When i was up to about 8k in decemberish i took a few shots at 15/30, with mixed results. I made a lot in the beginning, and thought that was gonna be it. Then, the infamous 15/30 downswing hit me for about 9k, leaving me with only about 5k to take back to 5/10 6 max and 100 NL.

Played a bunch of 5/10 6max and some live 5/5 NL at fwoods in the spring, again with mixed (mostly good, but nothing spectacular) results.

Then came the summer, when i started to take it a lot more seriously, finally getting PT and gametime, and rakeback. I played a lot of 5/10 for the first few weeks, ran well, and then moved upo to 10/20 6 max and some SH 15/30 on stars. Did pretty well in those games, and also ended up playing some 400 NL after reading a post in MHNL about how soft the games were.

I ran well for the latter half of the summer at 10/20 and 400 NL, and was able to move up. Now I play anywhere from 20/40 to 50/100 but my main game for the last two months has been the 1k NL 6max. Beginning to play some 10/20 NL, but my god its boring playing 10 handed.
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