Thread: Frustration
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Old 10-14-2005, 08:06 PM
iceman5 iceman5 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 38
Default Frustration

Im in the middle of some kind of funk and would like some ideas of what to do.

About 6-8 weeks ago I started playing $5/$10 NL full time. I played for about a month and did ok. I was playing the best poker of my life but got very unlucky in several big hands. For example...I lost 5 set over sets in 3 days. So my win rate was only so so but I was playing very well.

I wasnt happy with the fact that I had to search high and low to get 3-4 $5/$10 full rging tables going, so I went back to $2/$4 for a while.

At that point, I went on a run of playing horribly. I dont know what came over me but I was bluffing like a maniac and it wasnt working. It was like someone had taken control of my mouse hand. I would raise all in knowing full well I was behind but I couldnt stop myself.

So I took a short break and decided to move all the way back down to $1/$2NL until I got back to form. I won 5-6 buy ins in about 3 days and I was just about to move back to $2/$4 when the next streak started. This time it was a one of those streaks where nothing happens.

I cant get a hand, and when I do, nobody had anything. Its been the most boring streak of my life. Nothing but small pots and breaking even for days on end.

Im now at about 6500 hands of break even poker. Since re-starting back at $1/$2, Ive got 10K hands with a win rate of 4.3PTBBs which is not much more than half my normal win rate for those stakes.

I have no idea how Ive gone from playing $5/$10NL and playing great to being in a total funk playing $1/$2 NL.

This is the 1st time that I havent even felt like playing. Any ideas? Loosen up and play more hands to create action? Tighten up and play more aggressively (not sure thats possible).

Change games for a while? I'll take any idea you can throw at me. Im bankrolled to play anything up to $10/$20NL so thats not an issue.
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