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Old 10-14-2005, 03:55 PM
kurto kurto is offline
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Posts: 41
Default Re: WMDs and Bush - Lie or mistake?

I'm happy enough to know that prior to 9/11, both Rice and Powell had said that Saddam was disarmed and not a threat.

Furthermore, I remember throughout the buildup for the war, reading numerous stories about our own intelligence agencies telling the White house that the evidence was bad. That was around the time when the Bush White House created their own 'second' intelligence organization who parrotted what they wanted said.

Third; the quality of the evidence they offered was so shoddy. The forgeries passed to the UN which our own intelligence agencies had declared faulty many months before... were so bad, that the UN declared them fakes within an hour. The mistakes were so bad; for instance, documents signed by people and dated, well after the supposed signer was already dead. That sort of thing.

Its no news that people within his own administration have reportedly said that Bush had been asking for a reason to go to Iraq since day 1 and that on 9/12... the decision was made.

The Downing street memos are just the icing on the cake.
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