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Old 10-14-2005, 03:13 PM
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Default Re: Sayings that people totally butcher.....

This guy used to work with me in our office, and he was from the backwoods of East Texas, and was the dumbest-sounding motherf***er I've ever met.

I don't know how this guy got a college degree.. he was like 55 years old and here are some of the GEMS he'd either WRITE ON OFFICIAL REPORTS, or tell clients over the phone:

"Other words" instead of "in other words", and he said this constantly when it wasn't applicable, "other words", when he didn't need to say it.

"thumb of rule", I'm not kidding. "The thumb of rule is that.... " What a f***ing joke.

"Culver sack", he WROTE this on a report (meaning cul-de-sac, like in a neighborhood).

"mist", instead of midst, as in "there is a change in level in the mist of the sidewalk" WTF??!! This was on a report.

"closes", this is how the guy spelled "clothes". I sh** you not.

"pacific", this is how he said "specific". Constantly, to clients over the phone.

"people that's", instead of "people that are", as in "people that's handicapped have a difficult time getting around."

"wait juss second", this is "wait just a second". He constantly cut off clients on the phone to say this. Very rude.

He also pronounced "digital" like "digical", and words that ended in a "t" were silent... as in "architec", etc.

We finally had to axe the tard, because our company was losing credibility. He was a real nice guy but just painful to occupy a non-enclosed office next to him.

His name is actually partly the inspiration for K Steel.
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