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Old 10-14-2005, 02:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Beating loose players

Dude, it sounds like you have just discovered the Skill Gap: where you come to realize that your poker skill is not as great as you thought it was.

But that's far from a slam - every single guy who now regularly posts at 2+2 has probably had that revelation, including Greg Raymer.

Yes, there's good advice and bad advice, but part of that is your fault: it looks like you didn't follow the first rule of internet forums, which is Lurk Before Posting. If you had, you would have quickly learned that there's a forum called Multi-table Tournaments where they focus their discussion on winning tournaments. A General forum will get you, well, general answers. Some of the best MTT forum posters may never see your question in General.

As for the "insults," welcome to the world of internet forums. People are harsh - often they don't even realize it. Your question ("how do I beat these bad players who call down with trash and suck out?") is probably the most-asked question at 2+2, which you also would likely have discovered by lurking. (The answer to your question, BTW, is to reread your poker library, and select specific hands/plays that concern you and post them to the appropriate forum for evaluation.)

Fossilman did not steer you wrong. You just have to learn to use this powerful resource properly.
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