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Old 10-14-2005, 11:18 AM
Alchemist Alchemist is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Cincinnati
Posts: 84
Default Re: Converter Title Line

A few days ago, I made an unannounced change to the converter. 7 Card Stud hands now display as “7 Card Stud”, while 7 Stud/8 hands display as “7 Card Stud High-Low”.

That seems to have caused some additional confusion and I'm willing to either change it back to what it was before (“7 Card Stud High” and “7 Card Stud High-Low”) or to something else. It’s a very easy change so it doesn’t matter to me.

How would you ‘all like to see the hands identified?

[/ QUOTE ]How's that caused additional confusion? I liked the bolding and thought that was exactly what that needed.
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