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Old 10-14-2005, 07:41 AM
Smoothcall Smoothcall is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7
Default Hi, My name is Smoothcall and i\'m a tilter

Ok i have 2 questions. One is how much does tilt hurt a winrate. I know it would depend on how often, and how bad you tilt. But just looking for a general ideas.

The 2nd part of the question is can tilt be a good thing(or at least not as horrible as it looks) if done only once in a while? This sounds like a stupid question but i will elaborate. I mean by tilting sometimes it can change people image of you and think you are a nutjob. And it may take people a long time to forget that time you reraised with 95 off preflop. When it was only a freak instance for you. But they will expect it the next time they see you or every hand they play aginst you. And you will be back in rock mode and can get him for alot more bets in future hands. But the reverse to that is it will be very hard to steal and semi-bluff this player in the future.

So i guess i have a 3rd question. And this is the one that i have thought about alot in the past. Is it better to have a loose maniac image or a rock image. I have heard Mason Malmuth say in limit holdem the tight image is better because the amount in the pot is always more important than future bets gained(excuse me Mason if i'm incorrect and you didn't say this, but i remember hearing or reading that before) in a pot. I have agreed with this in the past and still do. But i wonder how you guys feel about this. As Mike Caro has the philosophy the looser maniac image is better. I think in NL the loose maniac image is definately better. But he believes this for limit as well. So which philosophy is right?

Sorry if i'm rambling and maybe should have made 2 different posts one on tilting and one on image. But i just woke up and not thining clearly yet lol.

So what you guys think?
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