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Old 10-14-2005, 02:08 AM
lightw1thoutheat lightw1thoutheat is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 88
Default Re: What I just learned about gravity

read some stuff about einstein's general theory of relativity to see how gravity is interpreted in macro terms.

(the combining of the 3 spacial dimensions we know and one dimension of time to get a "fabric" of space time- think of a bowling ball, ie planet, on a stretched out bedsheet)

quantum gravity is very tricky on the other hand. i think string theory has some interesting theories about gravity, (ie gravitons, closed loop strings which may be able to leave our three dimensions and enter a third dimension) but im really no expert. im sure someone with more of a quantum physics bckgd can give a better insight about gravity.

if you like this stuff but not all the technical jargon, id recommend picking up some books by dr michio (sp) kaku. he has a great mind for explaining these things to non physics majors.

also, this website, actually a pbs documentary about string theory that you can watch streaming, talks about gravity a bit, and it is broken into a number of small chapters.

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