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Old 10-13-2005, 07:01 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Best Disney animated movie.

What and when? You mean you don't know the movie?

If that's what you mean, it's the one with Brer Bear and Brer rabbit, and Uncle Remus, the old black dude, singing songs in live action while mixed with the cartoon characters. Some of them were really good and catchy, like the famous Zippity-Doo-Dah song. But oversensitive people could possibly twist around his less than perfect diction and grinning hap-hap-happiness to be racially demeaning. So now Disney has decided not to re-release this one again.

Seems like a mistake to me; Remus wasn't an Uncle Tom, just annoyingly happy. But his songs and stories rocked. And as for his intelligence, well, he was a storyteller and an old wise figure, not a Stepin Fetchit kind of fool.
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