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Old 10-13-2005, 06:13 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Asking out a Waitress

she was trying to get a big tip from you, strippers do the same thing. matter of fact, it would not surprise me if her 2nd job was exotic dancing

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I would guess she's a prostitute from the Russian mafia and he will probably be kidnapped when he gets back to her place, and his ear will get cut off to send as proof with the ransom note. There will be lots of jittery camera work and quick cuts, and at least one guy will probably have an automatic pistol, maybe an Uzi. Also a really grating soundtrack and odd bits of product placement, like a beautifully shot can of coca-cola on a rusty desk. He'll find out one of his best friends at the country club, that he had done all kinds of ass-saving favors for in the past, saw a chance to make a buck and actually helped choose him as a target and set him up for the whole kidnapping. Probably the girl will find out she's actually attracted to him in the end and try to help him escape, then get found out by her Russian mobster buddies, and he'll have to rescue both her and himself while jumping stuff in cars and getting chased down corridors by explosions. He'll get out alive, but his traitorous buddy will die, and after a final gritty confrontation with the leader of the mob, the music will start pounding as the camera pulls away into a long shot and you'll know he's more of a stud than he ever thought he could be, and you had a really good time, but it might be too gritty for some of your less cool friends.
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