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Old 10-13-2005, 01:41 AM
KaneKungFu123 KaneKungFu123 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Default Re: running bad/feeling good/trying to be careful/inner thoughts

its very easy to break even over 30k hands

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you are right, this is the longest i have gone on a perpetual downswing and usually its never one problem but a dynamic of problems rolling into each other to form one big problem.

i am actually glad you commented in here b/c i do have a question for you. i have actually been broadening my game (you might have noticed in the strat forums, probably doesnt matter) i have recently been taking stabs at bigger games. i have had the BR to do this for a long time but poker has always been something "fun" that i do has a hobby and nothing more (still is) and i was always content with staying at 2/4-3/6 NL with the occasional splash around at 1/2 NL when a game was juicy. lately i have been playing 5/10 and the strange thing is that i have been doing better with this game than the 2/4-3/6.

are the mix of games messing me up? i seriously doubt it, but i know you have taken shots at bigger games and succeeded but you play poker and i make my money from other things. its far fetched i know but just curious why i am running well in the bigger game and so God-awful in the game i am "comfortable" in.

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whenever i move up, i always seem to play my A game. its exciting to play at a higher stake, and it makes me concentrate and brings out the competitive edge in me to beat the guys above me. so for me, moving up in stakes is fun. playing at my game is work.

but i think youll find that just because guys play a bigger game doesnt mean they dont completely suck.

"just curious why i am running well in the bigger game and so God-awful in the game i am "comfortable" in."

how well you are running is different then how well you are playing.
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