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Old 10-12-2005, 02:26 PM
Posts: n/a

To any affiliates I might know and to all others!

The other day, I asked anyone I know to please stop any banners and ads referring to rakeback or similar bonuses - at least for a few days to give Party the opportunity to come out with their exciting new plans and news!

Anyone I have talked was glad to do this.
I have made posts trying to quell rumors and impart sensible information to try to get everyone to STOP trying to steal players from each other and Party!

Someone on here has been offering huge percentages they can not live up to! They have even said they are associated with a major affiliate that they aren't!

This HAS to stop! All affiliates need to pull their banners and ads and let Party do what it needs to do to regain control of its players and proceed with the direction they started to take last Saturday!

Party is all of ours partner and we need to cooporate and NOT look to undermine their efforts.

Whether you are someone I know or not, you ALL need to just lay back and let Partyb do their thing. We will all benefit from this.

Anyone who knows who has been offering unrealistic percentages, please let me know who it is!
Also - if anyone has been saying they are associated with affiliates when they are not need to stop NOW!

I have been posting factual posts trying to get everyone to stop fighting and work together for the good of arty and us all. I don't care if you are someone I know or not!
We need to support Party during the special time and NOT undermine their efforts.

Please look beyond the quick dollar and realize this is for the good of everyones relationship with Party!

I am done ranting - please pull any ads and banners and just sit tight and wait for things the dust to settle. It is for your own good!
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