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Old 10-12-2005, 12:56 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: A way to end the Barron hubbub - A request to El Diablo

I basically agree with Mason that there's been enough on this issue. But just a few more thoughts from me since you mentioned me in your post.

While I appreciate the plug, I don't agree that BVT has "besmirched" the reputation of the magazine. I just reread the article. Twice. He doesn't say "this is what you should do." He says, "This is what I did." And he gives his reasons for why he did it. And we've discussed whether we think his reasoning was, well, reasonable. I don't see the ego operating on BVT's part that you and others do.

I myself criticized the play in the original thread and gave me reasons for why I felt it was the wrong play and the wrong time. But BVT gave his reasons why his play was correct and responded, usually with good humor, many times to what were sometimes insulting posts.

I see a difference between writing a book that says, "You should do this and that because . . . " and writing an article which says, "I did this and that because . . . " Mason has addressed this point here and I think it's a valid one.
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