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Old 10-12-2005, 03:33 AM
peachy peachy is offline
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Default Re: my friend had a panic attack. what to do?

they cant be controlled for the most part and happen at any time, yes she should see BOTH a psychologist and psychatrist. They can give u meds to help control these (and they are a HORRIBLE feeling), they can also do things like systematic desensetization (u can also use a fatigue tech, threshold tech, or a method of incompatible stimuli - these types can be more extreme but the ideas behind them do work, so maybe use a variation of one of these - but the one i mentioned 1st - systematic d. is the most effective and least "stressful") which is more of a helping with the mind issue. A combo of meds/conditiong is the best bet but sometimes people wont go in for the times needed to do this mentally. In panic attacks some things with sometimes trigger it and other times it just happens, but if they can be taught how to calm down and how to lessen thier anxiety about certain things they can reduce the extremity of the attack and sometimes it happening all together - for a psycholoGIST try a clinical with behaviroal/cognitive focus

If she had a genuine panic WILL reoccur and is often lifetime for most people - its occurance rate will vary from person to person

She will probably want to rotate a few meds to begin with and find one that suits her, again everyone is different
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