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Old 10-12-2005, 01:00 AM
man man is offline
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Default Re: my friend had a panic attack. what to do?

I hate how medication is the first thing people look to to solve these problems. It doesn't always work. I had a pretty adverse reaction to a prescription drug myself a few years ago when I had a long, drawn-out bout with anxiety. but I"m just one person.

when you're with someone who's having a panic attack, the best hting you can do is stay calm and cheerful, and try as hard as possible to make them feel comfortable. when you'r ehaving a panic attack, you usually experience an unreal sensation of impending doom, and possibly a fear of going crazy (that's for people with recurring panic attacks, I think). the best thing you can do is make them feel comfortable. along with that, get them to control their breathing. that's very important.

as far as advising a friend after the fact, I would tell them that panic attacks are normal. lots of people have anxiety disorders. furthermore, you have to address the fundamental problem with all neurotic disorders, being the neurotic paradox. if you're aware of your disorder, you tend to spend more time worrying about it, which only makes it worse. you have to let it go. accept that panic attacks happen. accept that you're having a completely uncalled-for reaction to everyday events. and when you feel a panic attack coming, lie down, or lean back, close your eyes, and let it come. "bring it on," my psychologist used to say. acceptance for your disorder is the best path towards recovery. at least that's what worked for me.

panic attacks suck, bottom line. I hope this at least helps. but I'm not a doctor so I'd recommend your friend to see a therapist. and screw drugs, they don't work for everyone and they don't address your underlying problems. (/bias)
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