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Old 10-12-2005, 12:11 AM
deucesevenoff deucesevenoff is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 26
Default The Second lowest game in any room

Most of what I have read suggests that trying to put moves on people at a low limit game is useless because a bluff/fancy play will not succeed often enough to make it profitable. I have always assumed this is correct, but the events of the past couple of months (once per week at the Foxwoods 4/8 for approximately 20 weeks) are beginning to make me think otherwise.

Allow me to explain...whenever we go, I try and play tight, solid poker while my friend plays much more aggressively and bluffing frequently. Over the course of my sample period, he is a significant winner in the game (i.e. about 2BB/hr) while I always seem to leave broke. At first I just thought it was variance on my part and that he was getting lucky. But after such a long time I think that my friend might be on to something (never mind the fact that there are significant leaks in my own game).

The theory that I've come up with is that bluffing CAN be profitable starting at the second lowest limit in any room. This stems from the fact that the players at these tables, while not especially good, still know what good starting cards are and can read a board. This means they could also be pushed off a hand if they are not especially strong. (the number of times I've seen my friend bluff into four flushes and other similarly scary boards on the river and take down enormous pots is too high to remember). I was wondering if anybody out there had experience with pure bluffing at the lower (but not the lowest) games in any room.

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