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Old 10-11-2005, 11:45 PM
IndieMatty IndieMatty is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
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Posts: 365
Default Re: Anyone think that this has more to do with the phrase....


Investor: "I hear you offer 25% rakeback to new signees"
Party Poker: "Well, not exactly"
Investor: "Remind me how you make money again?"
Party Poker: "Rake"
Investor: "And you give 25% of it back"
Party Poker: "Well...."

[/ QUOTE ]

Party Poker: Ever heard of a Labor Day "sale" at Macy's?

Investor: Of course, my wife shops there.

Party Poker: And you know how they mark their already-overpriced clothes down 25% so you as a consumer feel like you're getting a deal?

Investor: Yeah...

Party Poker: Our rake is higher than the other sites. We give rakeback, so our customers feel like they're getting a deal.

Investor: They are getting a deal.

Party Poker: Exactly. And we still collect a good amount of rake. It's win-win.

Investor: Brilliant, in my opinion. Where do I sign?

[/ QUOTE ]

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