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Old 10-11-2005, 10:51 PM
Aaron W. Aaron W. is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 87
Default Re: Maybe I need some help

First of all, it's probably a lot of variance. But I have no doubt you're making errors, too.

Also my preflop numbers are a bit low for this forum, but they are in my comfort zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

You may be in your comfort zone, but you're on the edge of being out of the profit zone. You cannot expect to do very well in the long run if you are passing up on profitable positions too often. Even compared to the 16/8 game, you're missing out on 2/16 = 12.5% of the profitable spots. That's a HUGE leak.

It's clear that when you play this tight, you basically do not make any gametime adjustments (because you simnply aren't in most of the places where adjustments would be necessary). So while you may have been doing well in the past, as the average player slowly gets better -- tighter and more aggressive (and with all the books/charts/information available, it's actually happening to some extent) -- they are probably catching up to you (not that this is the exact reason for your losses, but it stands as a definite possibility).

Edit: I've debated making this conjecture, and I've decided that I'll be bold. I think your flop aggression is at least 4. This would indicate that you don't call enough on the flop.
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