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Old 10-11-2005, 07:23 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: And the new James Bond is...

Yup. Loved that scene, perhaps the best scene in any Bond film.

I also liked how he was "casually" interrogating that same scientist at his workplace earlier on. If you watch it closely, it plays kind of casually but was really a very tense scene, and Bond looks like he's getting really pissed off, but is calm and very polite on the outside. You get the feeling that on the inside he's angry and wants to tear the guy's ears off or something, both to get the truth out of him and because he doesn't care to be bullsh*tted by a guy whose shaky story seems to suggest he's tied in to the death of British agents.

A good illustration of the dual nature of Bond that can make him so interesting when well played. Sharp as a a tack and cool headed, and he knows how to do everything just so, but there's violence underneath and you know he's capable of something nasty. The suit may be beautiful, the manners impeccable, and the aplomb admirable, but you're dealing with something volatile and it could get nasty.

A parallel scene to the one described above is his dinner on the train, in From Russia With Love, with the Russian agent who's pretending to be British. Bond sees through him right away, but grits his teeth as long as he has to in order to find out more from the agent he knew killed one of his own. He looks like he's about to fly into a rage but somehow still manages to pull off looking calm and well-mannered. Quite a neat trick indeed.

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