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Old 10-11-2005, 03:50 PM
Sparks Sparks is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 33
Default Re: Hypothetical Question

Here are my thoughts, which are along the lines of Eilindauer's.

According to the fundamental theorem of poker, your opponents will always be gaining against you, and you will always be losing; but, this is far outweighed by the power of your holding.

(1) With K's face up, you should raise every time preflop (very important).

(2) Always bet, never re-raise, and always call down (this could be modified, but this strategy keeps it simple)

Only AA has equity against you, and one of your 9 opponents will have it a little more than twice an hour, say 3 times. So 37 times an hour you win the blinds ($50) and 3 times an hour you lose 90 + 30 + 90 + 90 = $300. (when in position, you call, when first to act, you bet and call a raise, so the average is 90 on the turn and river)

You'll be making 1850 - 300 = $1550.

Once your opponents see that they can't bluff you, they will stop calling with anything but AA. Or, they will go broke.


edit: should probably be 120 on the turn and river since your opponents will quickly learn to c/r you with AA.
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