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Old 10-11-2005, 11:55 AM
Indiana Indiana is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Posts: 69
Default Re: How I Became a Christian (LONG)


Many people like you come to Christ because their lives are in disarray. These people are usually the "best" christians in the church for a while because they find that their new faith in God helps them to wash away their previous problems. You may find yourself volunteering in a homeless shelter, hospital outreach, mission trips, all very good stuff. The problem with all of this is that you have freely accepted Christ without going through the "fear and trembling" salvation process that the Bible discusses. What happens as a result is that your emotional connection to the religion will grow weak and you may grow tired of the whole christianity thing. Most humans are total pieces of crap and you may look around and realize that the people that you looked up to as good christian role models are not such good people after all.

Why am I saying all of this? Because I want you to understand that in order to really commit yourself to Christ in a long-lasting way you must think, yes think, about what being a chrisitan means to you so that when you get tired of the religious game and the fancy sermons that generate million dollar salaries for these guys you see on tv, you will have a grounding that helps you overcome these human obstacles in religion. Get a firm grounding in the Bible and understand the core message of Christ. Believe in christianity because it is the only logical religion and because of what Jesus did and why he came to earth. You learn these things from the bible and by thinking deeply about what you want your life to be, you dont learn them by jumping onto the relgious fad or the church game.

Oh yeah, and don't listen to a bunch of smart people like David Sk. They are simply brainiacs who are religiously and spiritually lazy and are using their strong minds to come up with reasons why they should sleep in sunday morning.

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