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Old 10-11-2005, 11:41 AM
Wyers Wyers is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 20
Default Re: Bad News for us all

Heh. Amusing article that reads like every other online poker is rigged post on 2+2.

Only difference is this Stephen Katz character is a little more enterprising and is selling books instead of posting here.

Ladies and Gentleman.... Mr. Katz.

Gambling Facts and Fictions

EDIT: I LOVE this advice. Dude has it all worked out.

Guidance through your pastor or rabbi is the best way to overcome any urges or compulsions if unable to quit gambling despite the acquired knowledge from this book about the negative realities and consequences of being a customer to the gambling industry. Religious counseling is superior to anything this book or any other self-help book has to offer.

Even Better...

<font color="red">Attention online poker players who received this link from an online poker forum:</font> You may not realize that these poker forums have a big incentive to entice you into playing and continuing to play online poker. The poker forum owners make negative comments about the above article and their "shills" in the forum, a number of which are usually made-up fictional characters that claim to be winning money, also make these negative comments.

Alright you bunch of shills. Step forward! Microbob fictional? So crazy is has to be true.
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