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Old 10-11-2005, 06:00 AM
chuddo chuddo is offline
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Posts: 20
Default Re: Weird action, bad villain, ps 5/10


ive seen people do this when they muff a hand, and have a huge mitt, and just blow it up in the hopes that someone has a hand, and calls them.

assuming KK for donkey:

pf: oh, pocket kings. table is aggressive, i can pull the ol limp-reraise and be sneaky as opposed to opening and having to go to the flop 4 handed oop. damn, no one raised and 5 to the flop. i sure hope there is no aces.

flop: bingo bang bongo, i have flopped top, there is no flush draw, no one can put me on it, time to trap these monkeys. i know, i'll check and hope something happens behind me that builds a pot. wow, the guy right after me bet small, and everyone folded between us. damn. ill call to trap i guess.

turn: full house, i hope he has a ten. let me continue to not build a pot.

river: hm, i just realized i have the nuts oop with a lot of money behind and no pot to put it into. i can't value bet huge, because it isn't likely ill get raised. i can't risk a checkraise (even though i love to), because he may check behind. i know, i'll go all in and pray he either has a big hand, or calls me with as little as trip 10's, or even a king!

assuming JJ:
flop: maybe he doesn't have a king...
turn: hmm, maybe still doesn't have a king, hope he doesn't have a ten now. im calling down anyway because im terrible.
river: nuts! time to go all in because he may call with a king, but hopefully has a T. or better yet KT!
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