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Old 10-10-2005, 10:20 PM
Smackdab Smackdab is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Default Re: Bye bye Empire...

No TOS was violated

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Oh yeah, such as having accounts on other skins? Whats the funny thing about all the people that were banned? They were for the most part low limit bonus whores playing on numerous party skins, and using bonuses at different skins. I have been playing on Empire for a year now and have had good service the entire time.

And after scrolling through 4 pages of lists of your postings, and seeing there was not a single post in a poker strategy forum I feel that you are likely one of these marginal players that were breaking the TOS by having multiple accounts for simply bonus whoring.

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Gee and your opinion meant so much for me. I won't make up facts or assumptions. I've been registered here for a long time amd playing even longer. I have booked winnings every year and have quite a few extravances to show for it.

I was going to look up your posts but decided not to. Does no good to read posts that clearly must be incorrect as the poster has his head up his ass.

Believe it or not, not all posters here play professionally. Some play for the enjoyment while pocketing a little change. Read the posts concerning the account closures. Violation of TOS was never given as a reason by Empire. I was told personally over the phone the reason was I only played there during a bonus. Gee, meeting their requirements for claiming a bonus is against TOS? Since your the expert please point out to me where it says that.

In the meantime I implore you to once again remove your head from your ass. You're gonna suffocate man. I'm sure you'll also be enjoying better service now that all thats left are 1-2K multi-tabling, rakeback getting, TAGs with heads too far up their asses to realize the games there are nowhere near as profitable as they once were.
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